Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Deal of Love....

The sweet deal of Love in the relationship of Husband and Wife is the precious gift from Allah....

Minus the labour pain and 9 months of being preggers, i've had poo embellish my jeans, pee strategically sprayed on my face as a substitute to my face mist and cancelled meetings at the last minute so i wouldn't be late to pick them up from school.So all I can say from this is a Gift "Anugerah"   that Allah gave me is, alhamdulillah because it brought me so much closer to my husband. 

And tabarakaAllah my husband really made things easy for me, calmness, love and understanding that if Allah has willed it, then this is what is best. Sometimes we don't see any good in the so called bad things that happen in our life. But we've got to try our best to snap ourselves out of it, and remind each other that Allah would never for a second give you something if it wasn't good for you.

May Allah keep strengthening our relationship and Because that ended, Allah reminded me that I do have a path to Jannah. Insyaalaah


NoEn said...

selamat hari raya

diah said...

thank for come in my blog. selamat hari raya buat semua...

Ein Makrai... said...

Noen agreed sangat kan...

Ein Makrai... said...

diah thanks for visit my blog. visit again

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