Thursday, June 12, 2014

My Affair....My Best Friend...

I cannot imagine having a best friend any other then my husband. He is such a responsible and 
caring man. Even there is “secret” between us but both of us tried to settle the “secret” it in every discussions we had including work matters, problems, or any satisfaction between us. We are always be there for each other. I want to tell you guys more, but I feel like I want to keep my marriage bits a secret because it might seem unrealistic to some. But in all honesty, my husband is constantly in my prayers as I cannot find any other way to repay the love he has shown me. So I ask Allah swt to reward him as only Allah can give him the best.

In my marriage, although I am a wife who accompanies her husband, cooks, clean, takes care the children and the house when he is not around etc, I find it not natural for me to humble myself before my husband. Seriously. I don't do it because of Mr A.A.A, but because God asks me to be humble and to take pride and honour in serving others, starting with those who are closest around me. All praises to God, I know that characters can change. I know that us humans are creatures of habit. Characters are a compilation of the little daily habits that we do. So if I want to change from being a person that is arrogant, I must start to purify my intentions to please God, and start to look for new habits to serve people who I love for the sake of God.

So guess what, after realizing this, I decided firstly, to take up a small habit which is, every time Mr. A.A.A comes home, I can serve him a glass of tea, or water. I believe in starting with something that is simple and consistent. Secondly, now I take time to perfect my preparation of food. Sometimes when Mr. A.A.A comes home from work, I get annoyed if I am alone in the kitchen cooking and to look after our children. I always feel like I want him to help out so I don't feel like I am his maid. Now, I take time to make a silent prayer in my heart while I am busy doing the housewife jobs. 
For example, "Oh my Lord, please make my food good, please make this food a nourishment for us to eat so we can become better servants to You, God." And then I try my best to make the food taste good and have healthy ingredients. And I really enjoy doing it on my own. I love that I get to take pride in serving my husband as a way to get me closer to God. It's such a nice feeling, Glory be to God. I've never ever had this feeling before. I have a long way to go since I battle with ego all the time, but I feel that God is slowly guiding me. Please make dua (prayers) for me to become a better servant of God since I'm going to need all the help that I can get :-)!

May Allah swt protect our relationship and let each others happy place in this world and the hereafter and may He let our eternal reunion be in Jannatul Firdaus (highest level of Paradise). :)

Monday, June 9, 2014

Likes & Dislikes.....

Being pregnant is such an overwhelming experience for any lady to deal with and like everything there are certain things I have loved about being pregnant and some things that I enjoyed quite so much. I wouldn't say there are things I 'hate' about being pregnant as I know it will all be worth it in the end!!

Things I love

1. Feeling our Baby A's kicking- I first felt baby kicking around 18 weeks, first of all it wasn't really a popping sensation that some people describe, it was more like a reflex feeling, you know the kind of feeling you would get when you hit your knee as a kid to make your leg kick, it just comes out of nowhere. Now at 24 weeks, I don't stop feeling kicks and punches, we have one very active baby, and even Mr. A.A.A got to feel it everyday...

2. Nail growth- I have the tiniest nail beds ever, seriously one stroke of a nail brush covers my whole nail! However since being pregnant my nails have grown incredibly well and are much stronger than they have ever been.

3. Shopping- of course! Any excuse. I love buying nice little treats for myself, I deserve them, right? 

Things I dislike

1. Tiredness- I suffer with any mentionable morning sickness but during the first 12 weeks I was exhausted, I would fall on the bed at 6.15 pm every evening and not be able to physically move, thankfully this didn't last long and so far my second trimester has left my full of beans.

2. Bad Skin- Again this is temporary, during the pregnant my skin suffered terribly 

3. Boob and Back ache- most likely related. All that extra weight is really putting a strain on my back. I have found a heated wheat bag to really help, that and a nice back massage from Mr. A.A.A.

4. Sleeping on my side- I am a front sleeper and sleeping on my side has not been going down to well, the weight of the bump really doesn't help with back ache, I have to switch sides every hour as I wake up and the side I am on is numb. 

5. Lack of clothes-This has become such a chore, I have resisted in buying anything 
maternity apart from a bra, and work trousers. I have just ordered a work dress and trousers so I will let you know how I get on with those.

6. Leg Cramps- these have probably been the worst thing I have suffered, to the point where I wake up at night and can't talk where they are so painful, prompting Mr.A.A.A to jump out of his side run round and stretch my leg out of spasm. I have also had to dump my shopping trolley half way around to go and sit in the car and stretch out my foot. Dioralytes have been my savior, they are usually given to kids after a bout of diarrhea for re-hydration, but if you are suffering like me these are totally worth the foul taste, they really help put all the goodness, salts and water back into your body. If you can't find these a good alternative is an energy drink containing electrolytes - lucozade etc.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Here It Come Again - Ramadhan...

Ramadhan is approaching fast. I am starting to feel the heat! hehehe... It's so exciting subhanAllah... I can't believe Allah has given me the chance to once again experience this beautiful time of trying to be close to Him. Let's just say that it's time to up the game, so people, let's share the game plan.

Ramadhan is like a 30 days spiritual marathon for me. So, if we've got big plans, let's first pray to Allah that He helps us in this journey. And secondly, let's actually think logically.

If Ramadhan is a 30 days marathon that involves feeding of the soul, then there are two elements that we have to think about. Obviously all marathons requires training. What kind of training is then required? I think this calls for a spiritual training. So let's look at some spiritual training that can help us prepare for Ramadhan.

1. Concentrate on Salah (this is the key to everything);
2. Seek for Allah's forgiveness;
3. Wake up early for Tahajjud;
4. Recite Qur'an in the morning;
5. Prepare stuff to ask on the night of Laylatul Qadr; and
6. Watch out for the nafs i.e. mouth, shopping and tv watching. 

So far, here is what I have but just this list looks like a lot for me. Maybe it's because I am struggling... It's ok, I know that if we try to walk to Allah, Allah will run to us, so let's just concentrate on the effort and let leave the results to Allah :-)

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