Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Being Grateful...
It’s so easy to talk about, but harder to walk the walk isn’t it? “Be grateful… Be grateful” I mutter to myself as I struggle to keep my eyes open at 6.30 am. My husband and I have had to share the multiple days of experience on the unexpected childcare....
It is a dream come true for every marriage couple for having a children. Bundle of joy. Maybe your children were planned, maybe they were not. But chances are, even as hard as child-rearing gets, there is magic in every day that you can reach out and touch – the tousled hair in the morning, your toddler smiling and saying, “Mama!” "Papa!" in the morning, the cuddles at the end of the day, the hilarious things these children say and do. The chubby cheeks, the toothless grins, the feel of a tiny hand in yours… You have small people who depend on you and need you. It reminds me of a quote which goes along the lines of “There is nothing better than being needed” or something like that.
As for my children? I certainly could be more grateful. I adore them to bits, and I have those moments – you know those? – when they wrap their arms around you and your heart does that smooshy melty thing. They’re simply gorgeous and they make me so proud. But the small stuff, there’s so much of that. And I forget to be grateful. I forget to be thankful that I have one beautiful and two gorgeous healthy children, that I completed my family the way I wanted it to be, that I am needed in this way, that I have the opportunity to teach three very special unique individuals the secrets of a happy and healthy life, that I have them to inspire me to find the answers.
Being a working mother, now that certainly isn’t a walk in the park. But it’s actually filled with blessings. I’m going to be grateful, every single day. I’m not going to feel guilty if I can’t feel completely grateful for every single moment – this isn’t about that. But each day, I’m going to look for my blessings and embrace them. 

Monday, April 14, 2014
Vacation, Port Dickson
Anyway..it was a 4D 3N events...and it was very well planned...tepuk-tepuk to our makcik, pakcik as the AJKS..we had fun in the water..(hidup STORM!)..., out of the water...food was great..go kart...
Kids in the Family....
Heroes in the Family....
Youngest in The Family....A & A .....
Super Mums in the Family....
I have to agree..I was being transported to a very relaxing and calm vacation...
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
"The most significant change in a person's life is a change of attitude. Right attitudes produce right actions."
Life of Being Common....
I love being common.
I love enjoying not only the grand designs in the universe, but also the small and finer details in life, like having a father, mother, sisters and In Law Family.
I love having a husband that I could curl-up and hug while watching the movies. I love romantic gestures whether it was embarrassing, or whether it was in secret between just the two of us and God.
I love having a my kids around to cheer up my life.
I've always thought that I was special, but now I am so glad to embrace commonality. I am so glad it is God that is One, that is Special and Irresistible.
I cannot explain the joy and contentment that I feel. It is just beyond words. I am just so pleased with His gifts... and I only wish, by His Mercy, He would forgive me of my sins and admit me among those that He is pleased.
We all have our own set of struggles, but to take it head on and brave yourself to give it up for the sake of Allah is a whole different story. That's the start of a really beautiful story I think......that will, by Allah's Mercy, end with us living in our beautiful house in Jannah tul Firdaus together.
May Allah swt protect our little family inshaAllah, and let us be together in happy place in this world and the hereafter. :)
Monday, April 7, 2014
Hoping everyone is in the best of health and iman. I woke up this morning feeling super duper refreshed! Alhamdulillah I can't describe what an amazing weekend I had being blessed by Allah. Who's excited for every coming month to come? I am!! For so many reasons; Insha Allah another Baby in our arms and in the family....I can't possibly say enough alhamdulillah's for all the blessings Allah has given me and still is! :)
Child labour is so beautiful!! May Allah swt grant me and all mums about to give birth an easy delivery, a healthy new born child and forgiveness from the All Merciful for every little pain they feel.
I'm looking out my window now and the weather is looking really good this morning. Don't forget to say Alhamdulillah for the bottomless blessings that the All Merciful has given us. ;)
And lastly, but most importantly before I head out, I want to sincerely thank all of you guys who have been so kind with your words, shown me support and made such beautiful duas for me. A dua is seriously the best gift I could ever ask for from anyone. I ask Allah swt to pretty please reward and grant you guys with even more!
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