I think it's quite obvious how absent
I've been from the blog. Year of 2013 was as an expected, an extra crazy year for me with the happiness and sadness in the life and I have to admit I was struggling really
bad in juggling the little time I had left when work and everything was settled down and work was done.
Obviously, I failed to put aside time to share the many of things I've learn, my thoughts and a gazillion folders of unedited pictures here.
But that's okay, because Allah has given you and I another year to get a
lot of things done, with His permission and help of course.
I'm looking out my window now and the weather is looking really good
this evening, yay! So have an awesome day with my family insha Allah. Don't forget to say alhamdulillah for the bottomless blessings that the All Merciful has given us. ;)
And lastly, but most importantly before I head out, I want to sincerely
thank all of you guys who have been so kind with your words, shown me
support and made such beautiful duas for me. A dua is
seriously the best gift I could ever ask for from anyone. I ask Allah
swt to pretty please reward and grant you guys with even more!

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